
Living atlas of quality
in architecture and the built environment

Aggregated Activities from the TMU Site

Spatial justiceSpatial justice
JAN - APR - SHERBOURNE COMMONS - ACTIVITIES AXONOMETRIC_May newsletter_page-0001-1716937610618.jpg
Members of the TMU site have been revisiting, on a monthly basis, an award-winning public space along the Toronto Waterfront. Based on Jan Gehl’s three types of activities – “necessary,” “optional,” and “social” – as defined in Life Between Buildings: Using Public Space, on-site observations of Sherbourne Common carried out by Ryan B. Y. Ma (research assistant) were visualized by Farah and Ma.
The axonometric view aggregates data collected during one-hour site visits undertaken in late January, February, March and April 2024.
To learn more about the research site led by Toronto Metropolitan University, click here.