Booklet of experiences shared by members, partners and students associated with the Quality Research Partnership

Mapping positive lived experiences of quality in Canada
(a potential book written by more than 135 authors)

booklet of experiences 2

Building upon the success of community mobilization and engagement showcased at the Montreal 2022 convention, where ‘Barriers to Quality in the Build Environment’ were collectively addressed, the second annual gathering, held in Calgary in May 2023, focused on “lived experiences of quality’ in interacting with the built environment and related insights.

From January to April 2023, views from partners and students concerning positive lived experiences of quality in Canada were collected.

“Lived experience” is about the personal knowledge, perceptions and feeling about the built environment.

This booklet gathers all the submissions received before April 25, 2023.

The compilation was then organized typologically by Shantanu Biswas Linkon, Catherine Meunier, Dimitri Weibel and Joëlle Tétreault under the direction of Jean-Pierre Chupin.