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  • Calgary Site Welcomes New Partners and Secures Indigenous Engagement Funding

Calgary Site Welcomes New Partners and Secures Indigenous Engagement Funding

The Calgary SSHRC PG site has several exciting new developments that will add momentum, insights and value to our research work.

The SSHRC PG Calgary site was recently awarded $15,000 ($5000 per year for 3 years) from the University of Calgary’s Cumming School of Medicine to support Indigenous Engagement in our situated research initiatives. While the Calgary team has included Indigenous voices from the onset of the project, this new funding will support engagement in more meaningful and sustained ways moving forward.

In March 2024 the Calgary site welcomed and formalized two new partners into our research project. Joining the Calgary team is Pedesting Inc., a leading accessibility organization (represented by Mr. Nabeel Ramji and Mr. Erin Shilliday) as well as the AIA Canada Society, a prominent professional association (represented by Dr. Hannah Allawi). Pedesting and the AIA Canada Society have both been very active in the Calgary research site over Year Two of the SSHRC PG project ‘Quality in Canada’s Built Environment’.

To read more about the confirmed support and in-kind contributions of these new partners to project and Calgary research site, see the documents below.

To learn more about the research site led by the University of Calgary, click here.