Conventions 2023 – Lived Experiences of Quality
Calgary 2023: Quality Through the Lens of Lived Experience

Hosted by the University of Calgary in Cooperation with Athabasca University Building upon the success of community mobilization and engagement showcased at the Montreal 2022 convention, where ‘Barriers to Quality in the Build Environment’ were collectively addressed, the second annual gathering, held in Calgary, focuses on lived experiences in interacting with the built environment and related insights, which will inform the development of a vision for reimagined quality, as well as the roadmaps for getting there. Leading up to, and during, the Calgary convention at the University of Calgary on May 1-2, 2023, we invite you to reflect on your experience of quality in the built environment and explore many important questions on how best to proceed.
We also ask you to begin to share your ideas that extend the current conceptualization of quality, and that might effectively inform the strategies and processes that will facilitate positive change.
Monday, May 1, 2023
Sandra Sutter, Lee Crowchild & Josie C. Auger
Tables rondes #1
Roundtables #1
Open discussion #1
Members of the Steering Committee — Doramy Ehling, Josie C. Auger, Lyne Parent
Site Visit #1 — Landscapes & Urban Design
Riverwalk & East Village
Complexity, Uncertainty, Cities + Society: Design Education at a Crossroads
Co-Hosted by Athabasca University & University of Calgary
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Welcome and Introduction to Day 2 by Jean-Pierre Chupin + Brian R. Sinclair
Gian-Carlo Carra — Councilor Ward 9, City of Calgary
John Brown — Dean, School of Architecture, Planning + Landscape, University of Calgary
Roundtables #2
Next steps in the partnership process
Steering Committee and Project Director
Open Discussion #2
Co-facilitated by Jean-Pierre Chupin + Shauna Mallory-Hill
Sandra Sutter & Josie C. Auger
Site Visit #2 – Architecture
Calgary Public Library
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Governance Board
Graduate Student Committee
Dissemination & Outreach Committee