
Manoir Westmount retirement home – Quebec
“I particularly remember visiting Manoir Westmount retirement home. I was impressed by the different amenities that improved the neighborhood’s quality View more
Morteza 2023
The Evergreen Brickworks – Toronto
“I particularly remember visiting… The Evergreen Brickworks is an excellent example of a post-industrial site that has been adapted for View more
Michael 2023
Golden Horn waterfront – Istanbul
“I particularly remember visiting the Golden Horn waterfront in Istanbul. As one of the most beautiful spots in the city, View more
Marianne 2023
Sunnyside Boardwalk – Toronto
“The Sunnyside Boardwalk stretches for about a kilometre alongside Sunnyside Beach in Toronto’s west end. It is made of a View more
Christina 2023
Lake Laurentian Conservation area – Sudbury – Ontario
“In my home city of Sudbury, Ontario, we are fortunate to have Lake Laurentian Conservation area.  It is 950 hectares View more
Cortney 2023
Harvie Passage – Calgary – Alberta
“I particularly remember visiting Harvie Passage in Calgary, Alberta in the Summer. This is a man-made portion of the Bow View more
Salyn 2023
Ice Stations – Ramsey Lake – Ontario
“I particularly remember visiting… A series of ice stations situated on the skate path of Ramsey Lake, a water body View more
Sydney 2023
Saskatchewan park – Museum – Building
“A national park in Saskatchewan with displays of wildlife. A museum where the displays were tactile and, a building where View more
Lui 2023
Mount Pleasant Cemetery – Toronto
“In my personal perspective — which I acknowledge is not reflective of all park users — two criteria that most View more
Lucy 2023
Halifax Lakes and Rivers
“In a small city like Halifax, we have a unique blend of city and nature. Many of our best public View more
Leah 2023
The Muskeg Creek Trails – Athabasca
“Architects identify the built environment in multiple ways including outdoor spaces. The built environment that I refer to is in View more
Josie 2023
Bow River – Alberta
“I particularly enjoy the pathway along the Bow River. I can go downtown, to grocery stores and shops in good View more
Hieu 2023