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Feuilles de route pour des villes saines : des chemins transdisciplinaires vers le bien-être, fondés sur des données probantes

L'initiative "Design + The City", menée par l'université de Calgary, explore la manière dont l'aménagement urbain peut améliorer le bien-être, l'équité et la durabilité dans les environnements urbains. Au cœur de cette initiative se trouve l'intégration de "People + Place", qui souligne l'importance de la relation entre les communautés et leurs environnements dans l'élaboration de la santé urbaine et de la qualité de vie. L'initiative adopte une approche à multiples facettes qui comprend des études de cas, des tables rondes, des conventions et des séances de café et de conversation afin d'encourager le dialogue entre les citoyens et les professionnels. Elle comble le fossé entre la théorie et la pratique, tandis que les intersections pédagogiques explorent les impacts éducatifs de la conception. La feuille de route plaide pour un avenir urbain plus inclusif et plus durable à Calgary, en soulevant des questions essentielles sur les personnes qui prennent les décisions en matière de conception et sur les intérêts qu'elles servent. Elle intègre l'inclusion, la communauté, l'éducation, la politique et la performance pour créer une approche holistique de la santé urbaine.
Nos feuilles de route vers la qualité dans l’environnement bâti
Partenaires travaillant sur cette feuille de route

Les anciens partenaires sont entre parenthèses

Citizens/Community Groups Adam Schwartz Community Activator Federation of Calgary Communities
Citizens/Community Groups Afrah Rayes Federation of Calgary Communities
Citizens/Community Groups Alicia Nahmad Vazquez Assistant Professor University of Calgary School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape
Citizens/Community Groups Bill Black President Calgary Construction Association
Citizens/Community Groups Brian R. Sinclair Professor University of Calgary School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape
Citizens/Community Groups Celia Raven Lee Executive Director Sustainable Calgary Society
Citizens/Community Groups David Down Chief Urban Designer City of Calgary Urban Design & Heritage
Citizens/Community Groups Dustin Couzens Architect The Alberta Association of Architects
Citizens/Community Groups Enrica Dall’Ara Associate Dean University of Calgary School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape
Citizens/Community Groups Erin Shilliday Co-Founder Pedesting
Citizens/Community Groups Gavin McCormack Associate Professor University of Calgary Cumming School of Medicine
Citizens/Community Groups Grace Coulter Sherlock Architect The Alberta Association of Architects
Citizens/Community Groups Hannah Allawi Director Continuing Education American Institute of Architects Canada Society
Citizens/Community Groups Hieu Van Ngo Associate Professor, Associate Dean University of Calgary Faculty of Social Work
Citizens/Community Groups Joan Lawrence Interpretive Planner and Writer Calgary Alliance for the Common Good
Citizens/Community Groups Jonathan Jucker Research Facilitator University of Calgary
Citizens/Community Groups Jonathan Monfries Intern Architect The Alberta Association of Architects
Citizens/Community Groups Katrina Milaney Associate Professor University of Calgary Cumming School of Medicine
Citizens/Community Groups Lee Stevens Interpretive Planner and Writer Vibrant Communities Calgary
Citizens/Community Groups Leslie Evans Executive Director Federation of Calgary Communities
Citizens/Community Groups Lindsay Andreas Co-Founder Building Equality in Architecture Calgary
Citizens/Community Groups Matt Patterson Associate Professor University of Calgary Department of Sociology
Citizens/Community Groups Meaghon Reid Executive Director Vibrant Communities Calgary
Citizens/Community Groups Mia Leung Urban Planner Federation of Calgary Communities
Citizens/Community Groups Nabeel Ramji Co-Founder Pedesting
Citizens/Community Groups Renee Kirby Organizer Calgary Alliance for the Common Good
Citizens/Community Groups Sam Oboh Architect The Alberta Association of Architects
Citizens/Community Groups Sarah Danahy Steering Committee Member Building Equality Calgary
Citizens/Community Groups Shane Rempel Manager Community Partnerships Calgary Homeless Foundation
Citizens/Community Groups Sonny Tomic Senior Urban Designer City of Calgary
Citizens/Community Groups Srimal Ranasinghe Community Lead Sustainable Calgary Society
Citizens/Community Groups Thom Mahler Director City of Calgary Downtown Strategy
Citizens/Community Groups Yeonjung Lee Associate Professor University of Calgary Faculty of Social Work
Citizens/Community Groups (Adithi Lucky Reddy) Urban Planner Federation of Calgary Communities
Citizens/Community Groups (Barbara Bruce) Executive Director The Alberta Association of Architects
Citizens/Community Groups Pas de photo de profil (Debi Andrus) President of the Board Calgary Alliance for the Common Good
Citizens/Community Groups (Gian-Carlo Carra) Councillor, Ward 9 City of Calgary
Citizens/Community Groups (Matt Nomura) Vice President Calgary Homeless Foundation Strategic Investment & Community Impact
Citizens/Community Groups (Noel Gerard Keough) Co-Founder Sustainable Calgary Society
Citizens/Community Groups (Ryan Andersen) Lead Organizer, Executive Director Calgary Alliance for the Common Good
Étudiants travaillant sur cette feuille de route

Les anciens élèves sont entre parenthèses

Belle Gutierrez Kellam Student University of Calgary Department of Sociology
Pas de photo de profil Daniella Burke Student University of Calgary
Hosna Bahonar University of Calgary
Justin Eng Student University of Calgary University of Calgary
Pas de photo de profil McKenna Schentag Student University of Calgary
Pas de photo de profil Nolan Miranda Student University of Calgary
Nooshin Esmaeili Student University of Calgary School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape (SAPL), University of Calgary
Pas de photo de profil Paniz Mousavi Samimi Student University of Calgary
Taly-Dawn Salyn Student University of Calgary Social Work
(Adrian De Vera) Student University of Calgary Faculty of Arts
(Aimee Essington) Student University of Calgary Faculty of Social Work
(Hasti Masihay Akbar) Student University of Calgary Cumming School of Medicine, Department of Community Health Sciences
(Natasha Levinski) University of Calgary School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape (SAPL), University of Calgary
(Sonia Kamal) Student University of Calgary School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape (SAPL), University of Calgary
(Traci Berg) Student University of Calgary School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape (SAPL), University of Calgary