Pointes-aux Renard residence – Pincourt


“In my opinion, the architectural space that adds value to a way of life is the Pointes-aux Renard residence in Pincourt, which was built by the mdtp atelier d’architecture team. It is a residence for seniors with a slight loss of autonomy. For this type of project, careful consideration must be given to ergonomics and the well-being of the user. One of the conceptual goals for this project was to encourage active travel. We therefore put a lot of effort into making the design of the main stairwell user-friendly. In a building where elevators were mandatory and necessary, this stairwell is located near the lobby and is accessible from all five floors. The design has been thought out in terms of its emotional influence on the user, through its brightness and aesthetics. With its large glass walls, this space allows for contemplation of the exterior environment. This residence is located on a large wooded lot. In addition, the colors chosen for this stairwell are dynamic, which invites users to use it.

Firstly, the entire concept of this residence has been thought out in terms of improving the quality of life. The balconies offered to the residents are very large, which favors the outdoor use of the premises.  In addition, the building is certified Novoclimat, which allows for a certain degree of eco-responsibility.

However, there were ecological issues at stake, as the land was close to a wetland, home to a variety of frogs. We therefore developed an action plan, with the Ministry of the Environment, to allow the survival of this species.

Our team then worked on the universal accessibility of the premises, through the parking lot and the integrated furniture. In fact, the underground parking lot has a specific layout for trippers, not to mention the access ramp to the basement. Finally, with regard to the more mechanical aspect of the project, each unit is equipped with a wall-mounted air-conditioning area, as in residential units. In short, the design chosen contributes to the quality of life and active transportation of users. We are particularly proud of this project, as the human experience within this project is unique.” (Booklet Positive Lived Experiences of Quality in the Built Environment 2023, p.18)

Mechanical: wall-mounted air-conditioning installation, as in dwellings. 

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