Canada Science and Technology Museum in Ottawa


“I particularly remember visiting the Canada Science and Technology Museum in Ottawa. It is the first national public institution in Canada to receive the Accessibility Certified Gold rating under the Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification™ (RHFAC) program. The museum’s innovative design seamlessly incorporates accessibility into various aspects of its design. Notably, exhibitions prominently feature individuals with disabilities and the technologies designed both for and by them. For instance, the “Into the Great Outdoors” exhibition features perspectives and adaptive technologies tailored for outdoor recreation. Accessibility standards were meticulously integrated into the development of all 11 new exhibitions, emphasizing multi-sensory engagement, digital accessibility, and inclusivity for diverse visitors. Accessibility standards informed exhibition design for: height of text panels, touchscreen controls, height range for viewing objects up close, colour, contrast, size, and legibility of text, circulation routes, height, location, and design of seating.

The museum offers complimentary wheelchair rentals. Its predominantly level flooring ensures ease of navigation, with the exception of select exhibitions accessible via ramps. Seating, equipped with arm and back supports, is provided throughout the museum. Free admission is extended to one support person accompanying individuals with disabilities, while service animals are warmly welcomed. Additionally, inclusie facilities such as gender-neutral, accessible washrooms are equipped with adult-sized change tables and motorized lifts which further enhance accessibility.

Furthermore, the museum’s commitment to accessibility extends to pre-visit resources like sensory guides, designed to prepare visitors, particularly those with autism spectrum disorders or disabilities, for their museum experience. However, everyone can benefit from these visual guides. The holistic approach underscores the museum’s dedication to fostering positive and inclusive environments for all visitors, affirming that quality experiences within the built environment benefit everyone, regardless of ability.” (Booklet Positive Lived Experiences of Quality in the Built Environment 2024, p.50).

Exterior and interior picture of the Canada Science and Technology Museum in Ottawa Pictures by: NORR Architecture


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