Halifax Central Library – Halifax


“I particularly remember visiting…the Halifax Central Library for the first time and feeling an incredible sense of community. Not only is the visual construction of the library striking, but the creation of distinct spaces on each level, all providing different environments and purposes, is rather functional. While there are designated spaces, such as areas intended for children, the uses of most of the spaces are formed through patterns of use. For instance, while there is no sign claiming the fourth floor as the “study area,” most people on this floor (especially along the desks facing the windows) use this space for quiet work. By implementing various seating options, particular areas lend themselves more to relaxing reading, such as the fifth-floor leisure chairs, or for socializing, such as the spaces located by the two cafés. In addition, the Central Library hosts daily events that range from free music performances to workshops on filing taxes. While the library is restrictive in terms of its hours, the space is open to the public and used by various sub-communities and individuals to convey a sense of publicness, community, and collaboration. Evidently, the Central Library serves as a hub for the Halifax community fostering the inclusivity and positive experiences that I see as so critical to the quality of a space.” (Booklet Positive Lived Experiences of Quality in the Built Environment 2023, p.24).


Google map link: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Halifax+Central+Library/@44.6427638,-63.5777588,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x4b5a223391907ad3:0x520186fbd5f800ac!8m2!3d44.6427638!4d-63.5751839!16s%2Fm%2F0zmy64q?hl=en

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