LaPrairie – Quebec

“Growing up in old LaPrairie, Quebec, which was founded first as a fort in 1687, provided my positive experiences of quality. Narrow and winding streets, narrow sidewalks that were perilous to ride with a tricycle, mixed uses (bank, post office, mini-grocery store, bakery, a mini-store that sold everything one needed and even a yeast factory across from my home), various building styles to reflect the various uses – all contributed to the magic of place. The clip-clop sound of the horse-driven wagon delivering milk – yes, until the mid-1960s. The smell of fresh baked goods down the street. The micro-store (quinze cents) where I could buy two round candies for a penny. The sound of the bell from the big church just a couple of streets away. Many things to discover but never revealed all at once. It was ‘heritage’ before the term ‘heritage’ was in vogue. The municipality has sought to better profile this ‘heritage’ over the years and, in my opinion, has largely succeeded. Economic change over the years has removed the yeast factory, the mini-grocery store, the post-office, the bank, the quinze cents and the bakery. But the feel of the place is still there, without the convenience of having everything you needed within strolling distance.” (Booklet Positive Lived Experiences of Quality in the Built Environment 2023, p.234).


Google map link:,-73.4968846,3a,75y,49.06h,80.03t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sWFwF9R0ikU_PuGqmOfJQaA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?authuser=0

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