Limoilou district – Quebec City
“I love to frequent 2e Avenue in the Limoilou district of Quebec City. It is lined on both sides with stone duplexes and triplexes, with outdoor balconies actually inhabited by the residents. Traces of the past are visible in the stonework. No building exceeds 3 or 4 stories, except for the majestic church transformed into a circus school. Almost exclusively residential, one or two businesses surprise us on a street corner.
There are sidewalks, which are separated from the street by ancient trees that inspire respect. One can walk or circulate in the street, while still feeling safe.
This built environment is soothing. It is green, it is inhabited, it is peaceful. I voluntarily make detours to pass through it.
Taking a break on the church square to admire the trees and buildings is well worth it.” (Booklet Positive Lived Experiences of Quality in the Built Environment 2023, p.145).,-71.2306302,3a,75y,144.86h,95.86t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1szR1lZW-sT1vgK5SEkTfl7Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
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