Mont Royal Corridor between Papineau and Des Erables


“I particularly remember visiting my neighbourhood in Montreal, particularly the rue Mont Royal Corridor between Papineau and Des Erables, is an interesting example of quality for me. The street is fairly narrow and has a cozy atmosphere, with medium density mixed use buildings with retail at grade. The shops are relatively small, with a mix of small food shops and cafes and retail that cater to a mix of incomes that are very practical and interesting. This promotes eyes on the street as it is quite busy at most times. There are medium size trees lining the sidewalks, with some benches and garbage cans. There are often lights and banners on the trees/traffic lights, celebrating the season or advertising events.

There are several crosswalks, which promote pedestrian safety. There is also the newly renovated Parc des Compagnons-de-saint-laurent, which has local art and lots of benches to people-watch (there are lots of older adults that sit on the benches and chat). The park has new swings and a play structure as well as an outdoor gym, promoting intergenerational play. It is a flat park and thus relatively accessible. In the summer, this part of the street has been pedestrianized and there are some lovely bright blue benches with shade cover and flowers put up. There are also several terraces and local art projects/photo histories that creates a lively atmosphere. There are certainly problems with the street as well but I will focus on quality for the purposes of this exercise.”

(Booklet Positive Lived Experiences of Quality in the Built Environment 2023, p.151).

This is a link to the park:

Google map link:

Note that the park is now completed:,-73.5736275,3a,75y,107.87h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1srxvHADXvP7LQe1t9idDx4w!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192



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