Montmorency Falls – Quebec
“I particularly remember visiting Montmorency Falls last summer where I had a great time with my family members before the reopening of the school year in the fall of 2022. As it was the first time that I went there, I was really impressed to see how all the elements of the space or area reserved for visitors or tourists have been arranged and combined in order to facilitate an exceptional experience for everyone. Naturally, safety was at the rendezvous, harmony in the spatial organization, management of movements, zones of observation, contemplation and appreciation of the exploits of nature through the prodigious Montmorency Falls. My family members were most impressed by the wealth of options in terms of activities available as well as the diversity in the path or route to take from a point upstream of the falls to one further downstream. Seen in this light, it is a setting that is also dedicated to meeting old and new people while offering an enchanting setting for a distinguished reunion. The shooting sessions with the digital cameras of the visitors also brought another level of exploitation more durable for the immortalization of the memories.
It was also necessary to appreciate the hospitality of the hosts in charge of welcoming people to the site’s restaurant areas. Indeed, after having spent a good amount of time savoring this marvel and/or this spectacle offered by nature, it became urgent to eat. I must admit that such an experience in the middle of nature here in Quebec has a lot of meaning for a newcomer like my family members who were looking for a nice place to recharge their batteries. And we were quite pleased with the content of the offer and the elements or accessories of the environment that accompanied it.
However, sites such as Montmorency Falls seem to present enormous challenges in terms of maintenance and constant innovation to ensure a certain level of quality in accordance with the norms and standards in terms of security. I imagine that similar infrastructures should exist and be available to be visited by the general public throughout Canada. In this perspective, a plan to harmonize the level of quality between these different sites would allow the promoters of these services to have more credibility in the eyes of the local population or visitors who take refuge there throughout the year.” (Booklet Positive Lived Experiences of Quality in the Built Environment 2023, p.211).
Montmorency Falls. Source Francois, 2022.
Link to Google map:,-71.1485037,16.25z
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