Ruelle des Ursulines – Old Quebec


“I particularly remember walking through the ruelle des Ursulines located in Old Quebec. Above all, I enjoy walking in the alleys in general, whether they are in Limoilou, Montcalm, Montreal, or elsewhere. They are the witness of the life of the people who live there, who move around there, who appropriate it (or not!). Alleys are a strong illustration of the community, of a neighborhood space that carries the colors of a neighborhood. They are also at the scale of the pedestrian; regardless of their age, they are a significant place for its residents.

The Ursuline’s Street is special because some residences and hotels are located there. Walking along it, we have the impression of having discovered a secret place in the busy Old Quebec, especially by tourists. The rich presence of the trees, the cobblestone floor and the narrowness of the alley envelop us. The morning light invites us to walk softly towards the city hall or my boy’s school. The color of the materials is enhanced by the foliage of the trees in the fall (or the other way around?).

The alleyway was recently planted with new trees and shrubs as part of a greening program. We appreciate the coolness and shade in the summer that this provides.

Finally, one does not pass by this alley because it is a shortcut, but because one chooses.” (Booklet Positive Lived Experiences of Quality in the Built Environment 2023, p.147).,-71.20961,3a,90y,90h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skZkEI_xlzE1M0Q7frle_-Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

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