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Principals for Transitioning from Quality of Design Toward Quality of Belonging and Experience Within Nova Scotia Learning Spaces

The initiative, led by Dalhousie University, is dedicated to transitioning from traditional design quality to enhancing belonging and experience in Nova Scotia’s learning spaces. The research outlines a roadmap to overcome barriers in educational spaces through a structured approach, ensuring that the community's needs are at the forefront of the design process. The roadmap highlights four core principles: documenting definitions of quality and lived experience, sharing these experiences within learning environments, analyzing professional frameworks for designing learning spaces and proposing specific guidelines to improve the quality of schools based on the School Building Guide. These guidelines encompass site design, program organization, accessibility, and environmental controls. The roadmap underscores the importance of creating flexible, accessible, and contextually responsive learning environments that foster a sense of belonging among students and educators. The initiative aims to translate theoretical insights into practical design strategies that can enhance educational outcomes by aligning physical spaces with their users’ lived experiences and needs, promoting a more inclusive and supportive learning environment.
Our roadmaps to quality in the built environment
Partners working on this roadmap
Academic Member Alex MacLean Co-Artistic Director Zuppa Theatre community
Academic Member Brian Lilley Associate Professor Dalhousie University School of Architecture
Academic Member Darrell MacDonald Director, Education Facilities Project Services Government of Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Deptartment of Infrastructure and Housing
Academic Member Derek Reilly Associate Professor Dalhousie University Faculty of Computer Science
Academic Member Leah Perrin Principal Planner Halifax Regional Municipality
Academic Member Martha Radice Associate Professor; Undergraduate Coordinator Dalhousie University Sociology and Social Anthropology
Academic Member Stacey Hughes Managing Principal Architecture49
Academic Member Stephanie Bird Principal Charles P. Allen High School
Academic Member Susan Fitzgerald Associate Professor Dalhousie University School of Architecture
Academic Member (Eric Lucic) Director of Community Planning Halifax Regional Municipality
Academic Member (Jamie Maclellan) Public Art Facilitator Halifax Regional Municipality Creative Nova Scotia Leadership Council
Academic Member (Margo Dauphinee) Executive Director Nova Scotia Association of Architects Direction
Academic Member (Michael Putman) Assistant Professor Dalhousie University School of Architecture
Academic Member (Roger Lewis) Mi’kmaq Cultural Heritage Curator Mi'kmaw Native Friendship Centre Curator
Students working on this roadmap
Nirmal Adhikari Student Dalhousie University Faculty of Computer Science
Stavros Kondeas Student Dalhousie University School of Architecture and Planning