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Approaching Quality in the Built Environment Through Dialogue: Towards an Inclusive Design Process Leading to Responsive Municipal Policies for Greater Sudbury

The initiative led by Laurentian University focuses on improving the quality of the built environment in Greater Sudbury through an inclusive design process that fosters responsive municipal policies. The roadmap identifies six main barriers to quality, including gathering community input, building strong relationships among stakeholders, co-creating solutions, and embracing truth and reconciliation principles. The approach emphasizes the importance of listening to the lived experiences of residents, particularly those from marginalized groups, to ensure that design decisions reflect the diverse needs of the community. The roadmap begins with gathering community knowledge and experience, recognizing the significance of involving affected individuals in design decisions. Building relationships through ongoing communication and shared resources is a key step in finding common ground among stakeholders. The initiative advocates for co-creation, where solutions are developed collaboratively, ensuring that cultural and social needs are addressed. The roadmap also stresses the importance of truth and reconciliation, “Calls to Action,” and embraces the “Two-Eyed Seeing” as a worldview, promoting a life-centred design approach that respects and heals the environment.
Our roadmaps to quality in the built environment
Partners working on this roadmap

Former partners are in brackets

Citizens/Community Groups Cortney St.-Jean President Uptown Sudbury Community Action Network
Citizens/Community Groups Jennifer Babin-Fenske Coordinator City of Greater Sudbury
Citizens/Community Groups Jonathan Marriott Director of Accessible Advisory Rick Hansen Foundation Leadership Team
Citizens/Community Groups Melissa Riou Senior Planner City of Greater Sudbury Strategic and Environmental Planning
Citizens/Community Groups Naomi Grant Chair Coalition for a Liveable Sudbury
Citizens/Community Groups Simon Blakeley Regional Manager reThink Green
Citizens/Community Groups Stephen Monet Manager City of Greater Sudbury Strategic and Environmental Planning
Citizens/Community Groups Terrance Galvin Full Professor Laurentian University McEwen School of Architecture
Citizens/Community Groups Thomas Strickland Assistant Professor Laurentian University McEwen School of Architecture
Citizens/Community Groups Will Morin Coalition for a Liveable Sudbury
Citizens/Community Groups (Geoff McCausland) City Councillor, Ward 4 City of Greater Sudbury
Citizens/Community Groups No profile picture (Manon Depatie) City Councillor, Ward 4 City of Greater Sudbury
Citizens/Community Groups (Shannon Bassett) Assistant Professor Laurentian University McEwen School of Architecture
Students working on this roadmap

Former students are in brackets

No profile picture Alex Polito Student Laurentian University
No profile picture Canon Cook Student Laurentian University
No profile picture Chris Johnson Studnet Laurentian University
No profile picture Hailee Thompson Student Laurentian University
No profile picture Marie Duffy Student Laurentian University
No profile picture Michaela Pratt Tremblay Student Laurentian University
No profile picture Ravleen Gill Student Laurentian University
No profile picture Siah Klassen Student Laurentian University
Sydney Sheppard Student Laurentian University McEwen School of Architecture