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Explanatory videos presenting the 15 research sites

As part of the preparatory work for the Toronto Convention 2025, each research site is required to create a short video that highlights and describes their work and overall progress from initial questions to proposed “national actions”. These videos will be shared on social platforms and presented during the lunch and exhibition sessions. The montage should last a maximum of 5 to 6 minutes, ideally divided into three balanced sections. The three sections should be as follows:The three sections of the videos should be:

  1. Problems or barriers to quality addressed by the research site
  2. Partnering approaches and main element of the updated roadmap to quality
  3. Proposed strategies for change and or proposed actions for quality

Some suggestions for the video:

It is not mandatory for the video to be produced with professional filming equipement; it coud be created using a PowerPoint presentation with a voiceover in the background or even some functionalities of zoom. However, extra effort and high-quality production are always appreciated and encouraged. Keep in mind that there will be a friendly competition for the videos (see below). Here are some important points to keep in mind:

  • Total length of the video: 05-06 minutes.
  • The words of the script should be validated by the corresponding site leaders and sent for content coordination by the Steering Committee
  • The detailed transcript of the background voiceover, minute-wise, needs to be provided alongside the video in text format, for adding the subtitle in the final output on the website.
  • The total number of words for the whole script: 800-850 words approx., for 5-6 minutes max.

Part 01: Problems or Barriers related to quality addressed by the site since 2022

Length: 2 minutes maximum

The introductory part of the video will commence by showcasing examples of barriers related to the quality of the built environment. You can combine and present various images, brief video clips of real-life examples and relevant cases to effectively illustrate those barriers in this segment.

Part 02: Approaches or roadmap to quality

Length: 2 minutes maximum

This section is supposed to be the methodological part, providing a brief overview of the roadmap for each site. You can highlight key elements of the roadmap, particularly emphasizing the role of the non-academic partners, either by displaying an image of the roadmap in the video or by showcasing pictures of the activities completed at your research site over the past three years.

Part 03: Solutions or actions for quality

Length: 2 minutes maximum

The final part of the video will be the conclusion, in a manner, where you should exhibit the proposed actions for achieving quality in the built environment. Ideally, these actions should be definite, clearly defined, and categorized into three main areas: i) Educational Actions, ii) Professional Actions, and iii) Political Principles.

Submission date of preliminary transcript to the steering committee: 18th February

Submission date of final video and transcript: March 15th

Submission Format:

  • Video file or powerpoint recording or zoom recording : MP4 (1080p).        
  • Transcription of the audio: Word Document (.docx)

Funding and student competition :

  • Each team will receive an extra 1500$ for this specific task ideally shared by two students.
  • This funding will complement the annual allocation send to the teams in April.

The student competition will be supervised by the Steering committee and the Dissemination and Outreach Committee and the results will be unveiled during the Toronto Convention

Second and Third prizes : 500$ 

First prize : 1000$