Mapping Positive Lived Experience in Canada’s Built Environment

Lake Laurentian Conservation area – Sudbury – Ontario
“In my home city of Sudbury, Ontario, we are fortunate to have Lake Laurentian Conservation area.  It is 950 hectares
Cortney 2023
Harvie Passage – Calgary – Alberta
“I particularly remember visiting Harvie Passage in Calgary, Alberta in the Summer. This is a man-made portion of the Bow
Salyn 2023
Ice Stations – Ramsey Lake – Ontario
“I particularly remember visiting… A series of ice stations situated on the skate path of Ramsey Lake, a water body
Sydney 2023
Saskatchewan park – Museum – Building
“A national park in Saskatchewan with displays of wildlife. A museum where the displays were tactile and, a building where
Lui 2023
Mount Pleasant Cemetery – Toronto
“In my personal perspective — which I acknowledge is not reflective of all park users — two criteria that most
Lucy 2023
Halifax Lakes and Rivers
“In a small city like Halifax, we have a unique blend of city and nature. Many of our best public
Leah 2023
The Muskeg Creek Trails – Athabasca
“Architects identify the built environment in multiple ways including outdoor spaces. The built environment that I refer to is in
Josie 2023
3e avenue Limoilou district in Quebec City
“The development of 3e avenue, the backbone of the Limoilou district in Quebec City, seems to us to be the
Sébastien 2023
Bow River – Alberta
“I particularly enjoy the pathway along the Bow River. I can go downtown, to grocery stores and shops in good
Hieu 2023
Church Street in Bangalore
“I particularly remember visiting Church Street in Bangalore every weekend when I lived there. It was a street that felt
Sneha 2023
Grand Marché de Québec
“Although the project is recent, the new Grand Marché de Québec is a concrete example of the quality described above.
Jonathan 2023
Vancouver Public Library – Vancouver
“The Vancouver Public Library (Central) is one of these places that demonstrates an inclusive comforting environment for everyone that walks
Alex 2023